About this Website
WellnessRecovery.org is updated and maintained by Wellness Counselors from Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Inc. WellnessRecovery.org is a public service for community members to review and retrieve information about recovery-oriented programs and services in Ulster County, NY. We strive to offer the most current, correct and complete information on our site. We make no claims or guaranties about the quality, accuracy, content, or completeness of any information contained in this site. We reserve the right to make changes to this website at any time without notice. By using this site, you assume all risks associated with such use.
The information posted on this site is a collection of Ulster County resources designed to help individuals craft their plans for wellness and recovery. This site is not intended to replace professional advice or treatment. This site contains links to other websites. We do not make any representation about these websites or any materials available there. The listing of these resources is not an endorsement or recommendation for websites, programs, resources, or services. We make this information available only for convenience. We shall not be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from accessing services listed on this site.
Wellness Recovery has recently merged with UlsterHelps.org, special thanks to Ulster Helps for their support!
221 Tuytenbridge Rd Lake Katrine, NY 845-336-4747
300 Aaron Court Kingston, NY 845-339-9090
Visit our website for more information on MHA, our programs and services.
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“You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle.”