Ulster county Family Advocate program & GRASP Group
The Ulster County Family Advocate helps connect Ulster County residents with drug and alcohol treatment services, as well as supports the family as they navigate the substance use treatment system. The Advocate helps families explore their loved one’s treatment options, can assist with the intake process, and helps with obstacles to treatment, such as lack of insurance. The Advocate can help link individuals and their families to local recovery-based meeting, counseling, medication assisted treatment and opioid overdose reversal medication (Narcan). The Advocate is available to speak with those contemplating treatment, those ready for treatment and families who are concerned that their loved ones might have a substance use disorder.
Click here for more info > Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP) - created to offer understanding, compassion, and support for those who have lost someone they love through addiction and overdose.
This group meets virtually, every 4th Tuesday between 5:30-6:30PM. From Ellenville Regional Hospital, NY. Go here to REGISTER:
For more info contact Tonya Stokes (she/her), SUD Program Coordinator & Ulster County Family Advocate, Ellenville Regional Rural Health Network, Ellenville Regional Hospital, (845) 647-6400 ext. 211/Family Advocate: (845) 458-7455
Abel House
Sober Living Housing and treatment for substance abuse. Staff work intensely with the residents in formulating individualized service plans. These generally include medication management and training, life skills training, and services and interventions that support sobriety, health, and wellness. This program offers approximately 6-9 months of sober housing.
This program is run by Rehabilitation Support Services (RSS), visit their website for information about their programs and services.
11 Overbaugh Street
Saugerties NY 12477
(845) 246-2645
Providing counseling, MATS, Peer Services and Narcan Training via in-person, telepractice and telephone services. For more information, visit their website.
24 hours on call: (845) 467-0861
Ulster County: (845) 754-4944 or (845) 395-8129
Sullivan County: (845) 794-8080, ext. 2100
Grief and Loss support group
mental health association in Ulster County, inc.
This support group is for those who have lost a loved one and are looking for extra support from others who have had similar experiences.
Meets on Zoom and in person
Thursdays, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Contact MHA at (845) 339-9090 to register.
Resource recovery center of orange county
We offer medically supervised detoxification and inpatient treatment services by compassionate professionals who understand the disease of addiction, as well as the challenges of withdrawing from addictive substances. We provide transportation regionally to and from our treatment facility Monday through Friday. Now offering methadone for a detox taper. COVID testing offered on-site for admission.
Currently offering teleconferencing with families and loved ones.
Please contact the admissions office or visit their website for further information.
68 Crystal Run Rd
Middletown, NY 10941
(845) 209-3525
Samadhi is a recovery center for those suffering from substance use and related disorders and addictions. The core program is based on alternative treatment modalities: Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR), Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Somatic Experiencing. This program is based on “meeting the patients where they are at”. Samadhi’s approach is to help individuals develop their healing capacities through treatments that are strength-based and encourage them to move towards paths that enliven, empower, and enrich. Also, offers NARCAN training. For more information, visit their website.
At the Center, individuals and families can receive services such as peer-led addiction and recovery support groups for both the individual and the family:
Face-to-face counseling, Monday-Saturday, 11 am to 9 pm
Recovery-based meditation groups and Refuge Recovery meetings both live and on Zoom every day
Meditation held at 11 am and 8:30 pm
Refuge Recovery meetings are held at 12:30 pm
Evening Refuge Recovery group at 7 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
150 Sawkill Road
Kingston, NY 12401
(845) 853 8148
Peer Hotline Phone Number: 1-855-726-2344 or 1-855-SAMADHI
Mid-hudson problem gambling resource center
The Problem Gambling Resource Centers provide services that focus on raising awareness of problem gambling and advocating for those in need. These services are available to anyone struggling with gambling related problems, regardless of their ability to pay. These services are multilingual since we strive to meet the needs of all individuals in each community. Services include: Education & Training, Treatment, and Recovery Support. For more information, please visit their website.
Check out our new Podcast– The Hidden Addiction on Anchor or Spotify. The Hidden Addiction podcast is hosted by the Mid-Hudson Problem Gambling Resource Center working to increase awareness of problem gambling. We hope in having these conversations, we can partner with our partners in the Region and across New York State to work to reduce the stigma associated with this addiction. We will address various topics as we move forward and hope you’ll listen in! If you would like to submit a topic or question, please contact us at
Call or Text NOW for help: (914) 215-6440
Debtors Anonymous Meeting in Kingston
Do you know someone who is having problems with debt and might be a compulsive debtor?
There is hope for people whose use of unsecured debt has caused a variety of problems and suffering in their lives and the lives of others. Debting is more than just sensationalized shopping. It can cripple and ruin someone’s life. For the compulsive debtor, debt is like alcohol for the alcoholic, food for the compulsive eater, and gambling for the compulsive gambler.
For many, it is a false crutch that feeds fantasy and magnifies obsession. Many follow this illusion to the brink of mental instability, lawlessness, or even suicide. Many debtors are thousands of dollars in debt to credit card companies, student lend organizations, or family members. Compulsive debtors often engage in compulsive shopping and underearning or alternate between overspending and deprivation. Eventually, a person with a compulsive debting problems finds that life has become unmanageable.
Debtors Anonymous (D. A.) is a twelve-step program in the tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous and is a nonprofit organization. In keeping with our traditions, D. A. has no affiliation with any related facilities or outside enterprises, but it can serve as a resource to you and your organization through its policy of cooperation.
For people whose use of unsecured debt has caused a variety of problems and has made their lives unmanageable, D. A. offers a program that works. In D. A. meetings, members share their experience, strength, and hope and help each other to not incur new unsecured debt one day at a time.
Debtors Anonymous Meeting in Kingston, NY Saturday Mornings 10am to 11am — Doors open at 9:30 Holy Cross/Santa Cruz Episcopal Church
30 Pine Grove Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401
Stories of Recovery & Hope meeting
raising your awareness about narcotics (R.Y.A.N.)
Raising Your Awareness about Narcotics was established in loving memory of Ryan Kelder, who died of a heroin overdose on August 22, 2015. It is our mission to bring awareness to an epidemic that is destroying a generation, to end the stigma of addiction, and inspire hope in those families struggling with this horrible disease.
We urge you to join us at future R.Y.A.N. events throughout the year. The proceeds from every event go directly to organizations in our community that provide healthy programs for our youth. For more information on how to get involved, please visit their website.
Adult Children of Alcoholics
(310) 534-1815
(845) 339-5116
Alcoholics Anonymous
Webstite- Find a meeting in Ulster County
NY Intergroup
Find a meeting online- almost every hour!
Call with Questions 212.647.1680
Debtors Anonymous
(800) 421-2383
Gamblers Anonymous
(518) 292-0414
Health Life Recovery
A resource to better understand addiction and staging an intervention for your loved one.
Marijuana Anonymous
(800) 766-6779
Narcotics Anonymous
(845) 431-9011
Nar-Anon Family Groups
(800) 477-6291 | toll free
Nicotine Anonymous
1-877-TRY-NICA (1-877-879-6422)
Overeaters Anonymous
Phone numbers vary based on available meeting times. Visit the website to find a meeting near you.
Refuge Recovery
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
(800) 977-HEAL (800-977-4325)
Smart Recovery
A science-based addiction recovery support group—where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery through mutual-help face-to-face and online meetings and services. Website
American Addiction Centers free virtual support and online addiction meetings