Prevention Programs

Tobacco-Free Action Communities

Tobacco Free Action Communities in Ulster, Dutchess and Sullivan (formerly SmokeFree Dutchess and Tobacco Free Action Coalition of Ulster) is part of a network of statewide partners working to support New York State's tobacco-free goal. Each partner consists of a community engagement component and a youth action component (branded as Reality Check). Partners work to:

  • Reduce the negative impact of tobacco product marketing and price promotions on youth and adults at the point of sale.

  • Increase the number of local laws and voluntary policies that prohibit tobacco use in outdoor areas.

  • Decrease secondhand smoke exposure in multi-unit housing, with an emphasis on policies that protect the health of low-income residents.

  • Promote policies that reduce tobacco use imagery in youth-rated movies, and on the Internet and social media.

(845) 943-6070


Ulster County Stop DWI

The STOP-DWI Program seeks to reduce the incidenceof drunk and/or drugged driving deaths and personal injury crashes. The program is funded with fines paid by those convicted of DWI/DWAI/DWAID. No tax dollars are used.

(845) 340-3448
Ulster County Law Enforcement Center


Ulster Prevention Council

The Ulster Prevention Council was formed in 2007 as the Ulster County Substance Abuse Prevention Board with the goal to assess and address local needs. Currently the Council offers resources, trainings and evidence-based educational programs throughout the county, and also maintains The Perscription Drug Task Force.

(845) 458-7406
100 Aaron Court in Kingston


Ellenville / Wawarsing Prevention Coalition

The mission of the Ellenville/Wawarsing Prevention Coalition is to address risk factors for youth and develop strategies through community partnerships. This coalition aims to identify strategies that involve bringing the whole community together in an effort to combat drugs and promote a healthy environment.

Contact e-mail:


RT. 212 Coalition

The Rt. 212 coalition is a community based coalition bridging the gap in substance abuse services throughout Ulster County. Rt.212 Coalition’s mission is to bridge the gaps in substance abuse services by linking resources, providing support, building awareness, and collaborating with other organizations in Ulster County to make services more accessible to those in need.

