Addiction Center - various types of therapy and other helpful information
Addiction Resource - Rehab in NY
Alcohol Rehab Guide - various types of treatment for alcoholism, and ways to seek help during the pandemic; articles, supportive links.
Alcohol Use & Alcoholism Statistics in the U.S. provides statistics related to alcohol abuse, from children living with alcoholic adults, genetic predispositions, mortality rates and alcohol use by demographic.
Underage Drinking: Laws discusses the history behind the National Minimum Drinking Age Act and gives a breakdown of laws regarding underage drinking by state.
The American Addiction Centers Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator refers to the percentage of alcohol in a person's bloodstream and can be used to estimate what your BAC level may be, and:
Insurance Coverage for Alcoholism Treatment - explore a range of insurance providers for important insurance coverage information.
Emergency Naloxone Station Map
GRASP Group - Grief Recovery After Substance Passing - offering understanding, compassion, & support for those who have lost someone they love through addiction & overdose. Meets virtually, every 4th Tuesday, 5:30-6:30PM. From Ellenville Regional Hospital, NY. To REGISTER: / Ellenville Regional Hospital: contact Phone: 1.888.474.7277 (888.47.GRASP)
Heroin Opioid Prevention Information
Hidden Addiction Podcast - The Hidden Addiction podcast is hosted by the Mid-Hudson Problem Gambling Resource Center working to increase awareness of problem gambling.
Find an Addiction Treatment Center Near You
LGBTQIA+ Friendly Drug Rehab Facilities in NY
Mid-Hudson Problem Gambling Resource Center
NY State Office of Alcoholism and Substances Abuse Services
NY State Office of Mental Health
ORACLE TEAM - 888.996.0940 - O.R.A.C.L.E (Opioid Response As County Law Enforcement) is a rapid response team, sponsored by the UC Sheriff’s Office. All calls are free and confidential. The team consists of Peer Advocates, mental health professionals, and rehabilitation specialists who are there to help you and your family, on your terms, without judgment or legal consequences.
Opioid Overdose Prevention & Response Team (OOPRT) - in New Paltz, “local, county, regional, and state service providers and organizations working together bring help and hope to those in need.”
Signs Someone is Shooting Up - what to do if you worry that someone you love has an addiction to an IV drug such as heroin or meth.
Social Media Addiction - social media can be as addictive as nicotine, this is linked to lower self-esteem & depression. This is an in-depth guide from The Social Media Victims Law Center (SMVLC) about social media addiction that includes helpful information specifically about teens.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Substance Use Disorder Resource - Ellenville Regional Hospital
Ulster County Youth Risk Survey
Ulster County Department of Mental Health (UCDMH)